Graduation Project MSc Smart Design (Design and Technology)
06/2014 - 09/2014

mindful tech

A dual-site experimental interface Designed to explore the communicative potential of physical movement

Mindful Tech is an NFC-based system designed to help users escape digital distractions with a single tap. In today’s world, where constant smartphone notifications contribute to digital burnout and reduced focus, this system provides a simple, effective way to regain control over our attention. By using Near Field Communication (NFC), the Mindful Tech system enables users to activate a distraction-free mode with one tap, silencing notifications and disconnecting networks. Customisable through the Mindful Tech app, it encourages mindful breaks, allowing users to reconnect with just a shake of their phone.


This master’s thesis investigates the pervasive impact of mobile media and smartphone overuse on human behaviour and mental well-being. At the time of writing in June 2016, this was a relatively underexplored topic that has since gained significant attention. To explore this issue, I employed a mix of research approaches, including ethnographic observation, photo-ethnography, interviews, and secondary research.

Through these methods, the research examined patterns of smartphone interaction, the psychological effects of overuse, and the influence of mobile interfaces on everyday life. The process involved capturing user habits in real-time environments, documenting lived experiences through visual media, and gathering personal insights from interview participants. Secondary research provided additional context by drawing on existing literature and emerging studies.

This comprehensive approach revealed broader implications for the design of human-centred technology, encouraging more mindful interaction and promoting emotional well-being.

Idea Development

The project draws inspiration from the "Slow Design" and "Slow Technology" concepts, which emphasise well-being, mindfulness, and reflection. Mindful Tech designs tools and interfaces that respect human attention and promote a healthier, more balanced relationship with technology.

The concept is based on five guiding principles:
  1. Promote Reflection and Mental Rest: Design technology to encourage thoughtful use, creating moments of pause that reduce stress from constant connectivity.
  2. Simplicity and Intuitiveness: Design systems that are intuitive and require minimal effort and cognitive load, ensuring natural interaction.
  3. Minimal Attention Requirement: Reduce unnecessary interruptions, relying on subtle, non-intrusive notifications.
  4. Prioritise the Human, Not the User: Focus on human needs and well-being over business-driven metrics, fostering intrinsic motivation and emotional connections.
  5. Disrupt Problematic Digital Behaviour: Introduce small design friction or "micro-boundaries" to encourage intentional interactions and healthy habits.

The core idea behind Mindful Tech is "Disconnect with Just One Movement," where a single tap using NFC technology activates a distraction-free mode or focus mode, simplifying how users manage smartphone interactions. This concept encourages mindfulness and promotes healthier digital habits by reducing effort while enhancing user control. The project strikes a balance between innovation and commercial viability, using rapid prototyping and pilot testing to validate ideas. Further development focuses on refining both the stylistic and functional aspects of the concept, making it an effective tool for reshaping how we interact with technology.

Anticipating Trends

Mindful Tech, developed in 2016, anticipated the wider adoption of NFC technology beyond its use in payments. At that time, NFC had limited applications but has since grown into a versatile tool for automation. The project also foresaw the growing need for smartphone behaviour control, a concern that has gained prominence as digital distractions increase. Today, users and companies alike are adopting tools to manage screen time, from focus modes to digital detox apps. Mindful Tech continues to offer a relevant solution for fostering mindful digital habits in our increasingly ‘connected’ world.
Nottingham Trent University, England
Steve Rutherford
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